Have you had to search for your old addresses but didn’t know where to begin? But if so, this information may become useful to you when applying for credit or an apartment. Unfortunately, though, it can be difficult to pin down the exact details if you’ve moved around. For that reason, this article will show you how to get your previous address history online and offline.
Finding My Previous Addresses
For various purposes, they use the addresses that you listed in the past. All these entities are both private and government and have kept track of all your addresses since you started reporting them.
If you don’t already have detailed records of your past addresses, it may be necessary to obtain your address history from such sources as your tax records and your credit reports.
Method 1: Contact Your Credit Reporting Agency.
The best thing to do is get in touch with your credit reporting agency and request your previously submitted credit report. And once you have your hands on your credit report (which you can see all your addresses on).
Method 2: Find Tax Records Online
The IRS has an online option to visit their website and request your tax records if you used a fingerprint to create your IRS account. You will receive your tax records over the next few days either in your online account or by email. Those documents will then show you your addresses.
Method 3: Search Public Records Online
- Go to Truthfinder on your browser.
- Type in your First and Last name and click on the state.
- Then, click on SEARCH NOW.
- Choose gender and press NEXT.
- Always answer all the asked questions while searching.
- After all the records are found, click on the Address option to see your past address history.
My Previous Address History Is Wrong. How Can I Fix It?
To fix your incorrect previous address history, you can follow this method:
- Calls, emails, or visits to your credit reporting agency.
- Ask for a copy of your sent credit report.
3A. Check the address if it is right.
3B. If the address is wrong, hand over the necessary address verification documents like your phone bills, rental agreement, and others to the credit reporting agency.
- Your address will be updated once your documents are verified.
Address history writing is, How do you write this?
You can write that of your address in a spreadsheet. Any time in the future, when you in fact have the time to find these addresses, you can simply look at all of these addresses as they’re right here in this sheet. Let’s see how to do so:
Note: Enter addresses in the chronological order from the current date.
- If not already visit the Google Sheets website and Sign in to your Google account.
- Create your new empty spreadsheet and name it Address History on your PC, then click on Blank.
- Create seven columns by naming them:
- Enter all your addresses of past years starting from your current address.
- Once you’ve filled in your Address history sheet, you can upload it to your credit report, public records, or wherever you have to.
Reasons to Find Your Previous Addresses
The purposes for which your addresses are used are listed below:
- It is most commonly used when attempting to apply for a driving license or passport as well as when opening a bank account.
- To check how good your financial situation is, and whether you are qualified for loans, credit cards, etc.
- To verify your living history for background checks.
- In the marketing and advertisement agencies to market their product.
- Such as a court case or a government investigation.