It’s the longest-running television show in the world, it’s public beloved, and still going strong! The show is known for its larger-than-life sci-fi value in the Doctor fighting monsters and Gods and will appeal to every type of audience. If you are a Doctor Who fan and want to set the theme of its series’ on your Windows 10 PC then you are the one!
Setting Doctor Who Windows 10 Theme
You can now build an experience that makes you feel like you are a part of the Doctor Who universe too. Any time you open your computer you’ll be greeted with elements such as the Hands of Fear or The Doctor’s Fob Watch!
Note: While the Microsoft Store doesn’t include a personalized Doctor Who theme set, you can only install one from a trusted third-party channel. We do not endorse such websites that may expose your device to unwanted malware or viruses. User discretion is advised!
- Type in Doctor Who in the search bar of the official website of Theme Raider.
- Click on download which will be hyperlinked.
- Open the downloaded file from your computer and choose the program to the theme.
- Over the onscreen instructions, keep clicking on Next, and select Install.
- Installing the theme will also restart your PC.
- Currently, visit Settings and click on Personalization on the left menu.
- Go to Themes and pick the Doctor Who theme set you’ve just installed.
It will be successfully set on your PC.
Can You Customize Doctor Who Themes After It’s Applied to Windows 10?
Third-party websites, as you can further customize themes such as choosing desktop icons, and changing app logos and color schemes according to your choice really.
Are Themes Packs a Source of Malware?
There’s no doubt about it, some of these themes or modifications will contain malware or spyware, which can do serious damage to your computer or steal information like passwords and card info. Chrome Webstore has been found even to be used as a route for malware distribution.